While a good part of the Canadians live within two hours by car from the American border, it is completely different from living directly from our American counterparts, according to Niagra Vols Jim Dyodati.
“We all grew up here. We lived our lives here. He told Global News on Monday:” We have a family and friends on both sides. “
“Going across the border is like going across the city anywhere in the country. So we don’t even see the border when you live here.”
This family relationship may be broken during the weekend when Donald Trump announced that a round of tariffs were coming to Canadians, a step that was postponed for a month on Monday.
The majority of us are the Bills fans. As you know, we go to Boufalo, we fly from Boufalo Airport. “It is just a way of life here,” said Diwatati. “In the same way that many Americans do the same things here in Canada. They love to come to Costo and love to visit the casino, etc.
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“So it was like a punch in the intestine.”

Definitions now on a temporary stop for 30 days
Diode said he was out of society during the weekend, and his voters were annoyed by the news. One of the residents told Niagra Falls’s mayor that they no longer feel welcomed to cross to the United States
“A lady in the grocery store said:” You know, I don’t know if I want to cross the river. “She said:” I am not sure that I am welcome now. “
There is a similar feeling of shock and resentment in other border societies such as SAULT Ste. Mary, Oanton, who shares the border with Saint Saint. Mary, Michigan.
Mayor Matthew Shomeker said on Monday: “There is a real feeling of betrayal throughout Canada, and in Sold, Eun.
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“The twin saults shares the name, river, history of friendship and cooperation and a bridge that links us together. Every day, thousands of Canadians and Americans cross this bridge for work, shopping, or even just to play hockey.

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“If these definitions are implemented, we will see a significant decrease in the number of Canadians who cross into Michigan to spend money.”

Consumer issues: definitions and vehicle prices
He pointed out that the Canadian SAULT is the largest of the two cities and that the effects of the slower border movement are likely to have a greater impact on its American neighbors.
Mike Bradley, the mayor of Sarina, also indicated that the commercial barriers will have a greater impact on the lives of voters in the border cities more than other places.
He said in an email on Monday: “The real influence in border societies will be trade, jobs and daily relationships,” noting that it may harm the tourism industry in both directions. “You cannot put a country in the eye without consequences.”
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Nobody needs to tell Diodata to the effects that it can have on the tourism industry as Niagara Falls has been largely built on tourism.
The mayor of Niagra Fols indicated that Americans represent 25 percent of his community, but more importantly, they represent 50 percent of revenues in a society that sees 40,000 people working in the tourism industry.
If Trump continues to definitions on the road, it will be interesting to see how Americans will interact when they feel the effects of Canadian anti -actions.
“If the Americans do not feel welcomed, they will not come,” said Diodata.
“Therefore, it is interesting to see what will have a greater attraction on there. The idea that the dollar can go further and can get 30 percent in addition to leave only by coming to Canada or will they feel this feeling of nationalism and say, no, no We will stay at home. “

Trump postpones the definitions, where does Canada leave?
Going now
Made in Canada against Canada’s product: Know the difference in “Purchase of Canadian”
There is no plan to send Canadian military forces to protect the border, says the minister
Fort Erie, located next to Niagara Falls, also has a crossing over the two countries. The city’s mayor, Wayne Redicop, says that while the Canadians are looking for a “Canadian purchase”, the Americans also look at similar measures.
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“Once the Americans start feeling the impact of the definitions imposed by Canada, they may decide to avoid Canada and our products,” he said in an email.
“The large exchange rate between our currencies may still encourage Americans to continue to come to Fort Erie.”
But the Niagra region, which includes both societies, has other things at stake in addition to the tourism industry.
“Fort Erie 53 companies export the product to the United States, some of which are somewhat large and some are small. Niagra wrote more than 600,” wrote in an email.
“Many products that have been exported by Fort Erie companies are very important for customers, some of which are successfully competing with American manufacturers in the same fields.
“The definitions are large enough that they cannot be absorbed by the source or importer, so they should be transferred to us and Canadian agents, instead, sales will be lost.”
Even in Sold City. Mary, the largest employer is Algoma Steel, who sends most of her products to the United States
“Behind the steel factory itself, a network of local companies – including suppliers, contractors, transportation companies and service providers depends on Algoma Steel operations,” explained by Shomeker.
“The contraction in steel production will extend through these industries, which leads to financial hardship for families throughout our society.”
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The threat of Trump’s tariff shakes Canada’s confidence in us
At the end of the day, it will be interesting to know if there are permanent effects of the tariff warfare, or whether it will be forgotten quickly between the two sides of the border.
“We make sure that we choose our global words carefully, because when this ends and at some point, this will end and this also, we will pass, we will be neighboring again, and perhaps we will likely be my diwatati:
“We want to make sure that we continue in this tradition of being great partners, great neighbors and allies.”